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An industrial communication network is the backbone of any modern automated system enabling control or data exchange. Most modern devices have embedded some communication interface. However standalone communication modules and cards are used for enhancing functionality or function separately.

1 140CRA31200 140CRA31200Code: P00252 In stock (B)
(2 PCS in stock)
2 BMENOC0321 BMENOC0321Code: P00249 In stock (B)
(2 PCS in stock)
3 BMEXBP0400 BMEXBP0400Code: P00251 In stock (B)
(2 PCS in stock)
4 BMXNOC0401 BMXNOC0401Code: P00716 In stock (B)
(2 PCS in stock)
5 BMXNOM0200 BMXNOM0200Code: P00711 In stock (B)
(2 PCS in stock)
6 TWDNOZ485T TWDNOZ485TCode: P00291 In stock (B)
(2 PCS in stock)